Religion and Philosophy are words of repute that man resorts to
for answers on God and life. Their authenticity is never questioned nor
their real meaning understood. Man takes it for granted that they
provide answers for what they stand for. But a gentle glance would
suggest that answers have not been found as yet because men, more than
anything else, are still angry with each other and with themselves too.
Religion makes man believe he is a saint while philosophy fills him with
pride. The question he needs to answer is whether religion and
philosophy have brought him peace or drafted him into war. The present
state of the world would suggest the latter is true.
Every child
and adult is given a religion to follow and adhere to so that he or she
may lead a happy life - a certain investment to reach heaven. Its
importance is emphasized to philosophical proportions. Religion and,
thereby, God, if followed to the letter, is believed to ward off evil
and protect man from harm. But is he free from hate or anger while he
prays or when he is in a place of worship? Is he free of all that is
unholy when he does not pray or is not in a place of worship? If God is
the creator of the world, who could possibly be creating evil or wrong
besides God? It is unthinkable that God would be the creator of good and
bad, right and wrong as a reality. It has to be illusory for God is
compassionate and loving. So, has religion and philosophy failed to
deliver its promises and will it ever succeed? Who can tell?
what do these words really mean and what is man's understanding of them?
To most, religion means subtle or profound knowledge about God and His
messages, which are beliefs or a system of faith and worship. The word
religion is derived from the Latin word 'religio', meaning obligation or
reverence to life under monastic vows. Philosophy, on the other hand,
means a love of wisdom. But, on close observation, man is neither godly
nor wise, and religion and philosophy have been around for quite some
time. Religion and philosophy are both ancient and historical. Man came
to know religion first and later, as his mind sophisticated, philosophy
appeared. Primitive man was alive and lived without the need of religion
or philosophy.
The mind became active within man slowly and
steadily and sophisticated to form religion and philosophy. Information
about God happened to him and he did not bring it about. Thinking
happened to man and he did not make it happen. If he had, he would have
made it happen all at once and not progressively, as is the case, and,
given the chance, he would see to it that everyone thought the same way,
but they do not. If he did make thinking happen, he would have just one
religion and philosophy and not many, as is the case.
Nature was
religion to primitive man. The lightning in the skies and the thunder
that followed was man's knowledge about a power above him. Light and
sound were God to primitive man. The moment he looked up into the skies
in fear was the moment of birth of God or a power much superior to him
in his mind. As vocabulary increased within man's mind and concepts
began to form, so did religion and knowledge about God as the almighty.
religion were real, there could only be one and that would be the first
one that appeared within man's mind. Real means that which does not
change and is eternal. This means that even the first religion cannot be
real. How could it be real for not only has the first religion changed,
but there are five more major religions alongside it? This change
contradicts the meaning of real. This can only mean that the first
religion and the rest that have followed have to be illusory and not
Religion is illusory for it exists only in the waking state,
but it does not exist during the sleeping state, and man is alive
during sleep as much as he is during the waking state. If religion were
real, primitive man should have religion without the presence of
thoughts. This only means that religion is nothing but thoughts in the
mind, as is everything else.
If God has created the world, every
religion must be His creation too. If they are, they cannot be separate
from Him. The world is energy and nothing can be separate within energy,
and so, if they were separate from him or from each other, they would
not exist. If God has created the world, He will be energy too because
the source of energy has to and will be energy only. In this case, God
cannot be a He or a She but just energy, as is every man and woman. If
God is energy, it can only mean that anything and everything is a
reflection of energy, including man. If energy is God, it can only mean
that every speck of this manifestation has to be God, and it is so and
cannot be otherwise.
If God were the creator, would not every
religion be His creation too, including the first? They certainly would
be, and surely He would not create any religion that is wrong. The same
applies to philosophy too. The presence of variety in every aspect of
life, including religion and philosophy, makes it impossible for man to
decide which could be true. This is the intelligence of life that makes
anything and everything in life relative and not absolute. It is
important to understand that every recognizable thought requires another
of its kind for it to exist. Therefore, every religion exists because
of the presence of the other. This is why God or life has manifested
many religions and philosophies so that a concept of religion and
philosophy could exist. They exist in such a manner that man may
understand that their existence is illusory and not real. They only
appear real.
Religion is temporary because it changes and requires
time to exist, where there is none. It exists only as thoughts because
it disappears in the sleeping state. These are the hallmarks of an
illusion. An illusion does not mean it is absent; it is present, but not
in the manner the mind says it is. There are many scriptures related to
every religion. When the religion is illusory, will not the scriptures
be illusory too? In that case every scripture is no better than the
other. Truth cannot be known for the known is always dual, and truth
cannot be dual for duality is relative and never absolute. If a certain
belief of a religion is not found within the confines of another
religious scripture, the belief cannot be concluded to be invalid or
Every belief does not have to be found in every religious
scripture; there is no point in repeating the same belief in every
religion. God is very intelligent for, if beliefs were the same in every
religion, then different religions would not exist: diversity is
required for religion to exist. If all religions contained the same
beliefs, then there would only be one religion. Before the scriptures
were written, they existed in the mind as thoughts. This means that
truth, no matter how illusory, cannot be just what is written, and that
which is not written can also be the truth, for the written once existed
as thoughts in the mind. Therefore, man may speak the truth and it
cannot be brushed aside as untruth just because it cannot be found
within scriptures. All religions put together are one religion.
is the spice of mental life. Diversity is maintained by duality.
Diversity makes life not only magnanimous but also projects the illusory
as the real. Diversified religion exists so that God may exist. If only
one religion existed it would be real and God would not be remembered
at all. God would not be remembered because, for God to exist and to be
remembered as well, another God would be needed, and the various
religions do just that: they provide many Gods. It is fascinating to see
that every religion is not content with itself, and it should be if it
is real. The constant arguments between religions suggest that every man
doubts the religion he belongs to. Knowledge about religion only
indicates the capacity of the mind to store information and reproduce
it, akin to a computer or a library. A scholar does not signify anything
other than this.
Man is born without a religion and he obtains
the religion that exists in the family. Religion is, therefore, more
familial than real. Life is energy and energy alone. Energy has no
religion, yet man has a religion: how real could it be? Words and
meanings are an auditory illusion of sound and so every religion is
illusory rather than real. Religion has driven man away from God rather
than bringing him to God, and this is exactly what it is meant to do so
that religion and philosophy may exist. If men were made to realize that
only God exists and not man, religion would collapse.
Religion is
just knowledge about God in a particular language. Knowledge is dead
because it is in the mind as memory. Since the mind is in the past,
religion too is in the past. The mind is not in life, which is the
timeless 'now', and this means that religion is not in life but in the
mind. The mind requires time to exist and science has proved that time
does not exist as a physical entity in life. The smallest unit of time
measured is 'atto second', which is one billionth of a billionth of a
second. Life's occurrences, however, happen in units of time much
smaller than an atto second, which is the timeless 'now'. Religion
really means to be united with self. It has not really achieved this
but, in fact, has created disunity between humans. This is life's
intelligence to maintain its illusory nature so that man may understand
the real meaning of religion.
Every religious man defends
vigorously that his God is the only one. Now, God is not a matter of
yours or mine. God is simply God. Scientifically, God is synonymous with
energy, light or just intelligence. God is a philosophical word, but
very intelligent nevertheless. The world is varied and so are religion,
philosophy and even God. Life merely demonstrates that if anything and
everything is varied, even God is varied, and this is why God is who He
is imagined to be. Therefore, it is inevitable that God will appear
differently in some religions and as many in others. Life also
demonstrates that God is nobody or nothing, but also anything and
everything. This is evident in some religions in which He is revered as
being formless, which is true, and in others as having forms made of any
kind of matter: food to indicate taste, incenses to indicate smell,
bells to indicate sound and fire to indicate light, which are also true.
is difficult to determine whose God is real and is the first and only
one. Every religion defends that their God fits that bill. If any one of
the Gods that appeared after the first was real, He would have been the
one who would have created the first religion and maintained it until
the present day. If the first religion was false, He would have
destroyed it, and the reason it cannot be destroyed is because life is
energy and energy cannot be destroyed or created. This is proof that God
too is energy and anything and everything is merely a reflection of
this energy, which appears in the morning and disappears in the night,
including religion and philosophy.
The world is a manifestation of
God or energy and not a creation. No man could have seen the creation
to vouch for it, but surely he can understand that the world is and has
be a reflection, since it is energy. Therefore, the world and God
included has to be peaceful and harmonious. The mind of man is not
peaceful, and this restlessness is an auditory illusion of sound, as
only light and sound exists in life and not words and meanings. Man
merely makes sounds, which appear as language in the mind. Words and
meanings cannot exist in life, as time is absent in life.
Man or
messenger of God, who has a mind, will always be restless because of
duality, which is the hallmark of the mind, and to wish him peace will
only be wishful thinking. A true messenger of God, if at all there is
one, is an enlightened being, for he lives and realizes that the mind is
illusory, so too every religion and philosophy. An enlightened being is
always at peace with himself and the world, without knowing that he is.
Peace is his nature for it is the nature of nature, and an enlightened
being realizes that man is part and parcel of nature and not separated
from it. There would be no need to wish him or her peace, for he is
peace itself.
Peace is the nature of the world, and it has to be
if it is energy, no matter in what state it is. So there would no point
in fearing it or God. Fear, if observed, is non-existent in the timeless
'now'. It is always in the mind and, therefore, has to be illusory as
is any word. In fear man can never reach God; he would be rotating in
his mind hoping to reach God. Fear has been employed by the religious to
bring man to God - how ironical. It is ironical that it is the
religious who keep man away from God with a promise of bringing him to
God. Only God is and man is merely a reflection of God.
came much later than religion. It was the product of a sophisticated
mind. It made its appearance once life expressed logic and reasoning.
Philosophy is similar to religion in that there are as many philosophies
as there are languages, either rudimentary or sophisticated. If wisdom
was real, and it needs to be real if it is wisdom, there would be just
one system of philosophy and not such divergence as there is found to
Many philosophies are needed so that a concept of philosophy
may exist. The scenario is the same as with religion. Man would not
remember philosophy if there were just one. A contrast provided by a
particular philosophy is needed for the existence of another. Hence,
philosophy means the love of thinking and not the love of wisdom, as is
thought. Every man is a philosopher for thinking happens to him. A true
philosopher is he who realises that thinking happens to him and man does
not think. He realizes that an action or an experience can exist only
in time, and time does not exist in life. He realizes that the mind
would be needed to recognize an action or an experience in life, and
mind, like time, does not exist in life.
A true philosopher is he
who realizes that the world, man and mind are a continuous and
spontaneous transformation-process of energy which is uncontrollable and
unpredictable. He realizes that life is timeless and thoughtless and a
manifestation of light and sound, and the experienced world and the
experience itself is a world of thoughts - religion and philosophy
included. A truly religious man is he who realizes that everything is an
expression of God the almighty - religion and philosophy included.
© Copyright V.S. Shankar 2008
Dr Vijai S. Shankar, an Indian sage, was born in the late 1940's.
He has amassed an impressive list of educational, research, medical,
writing and teaching credentials in his lifetime. He is most notably
known for his teachings on Non-dualism, Advaita Vedanta, and Jnana yoga.
These teachings are accessible to the public through his books, CDs and
DVDs, his satsangs and on the website of the Academy of Absolute
Understanding, which Dr. Shankar founded in 2009. Dr. Shankar's most
recent book, Evolution of Mind, published in January 2010, offers man
the most penetrating and insightful understanding of mind to date, a
mind which for generations, has been conditioned by its beliefs and
limited to the world of relativity and fiction.
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