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Friday, December 25, 2015

Affiliate Terms

On June 26, 2014, Bluehost’s Affiliate Program Terms were updated and reorganized to clarify the terms of the program. Please note that the revised terms will require all affiliates to reach the USD$100 referral fee minimum threshold within twelve months of the first Qualified Purchase they refer to Bluehost. The updated terms are effective on June 30, 2014.
The Bluehost Inc. ("Bluehost" or "Company" or "we") affiliate program (the "Affiliate Program") is designed to help you generate income in exchange for referring new hosting clients to Bluehost. These Affiliate Program Terms (the "Affiliate Agreement") are a contract between Bluehost and you (the "Affiliate" or "you"), and it governs the terms and conditions of your participation in the Affiliate Program.
If you have any questions regarding our Affiliate Program, please open a Ticket in the Affiliate queue or call us toll free at 888-401-4678
Thank You,

What Is SFI?

SFI (Strong Future International) Marketing Group was launched in 1998. Starting with just one product, sold only in the United States, SFI has now grown to more than 90,000 products and services (and growing daily) sold in more than 190 countries around the world.

SFI was created to allow anyone with a computer and Internet access the opportunity to tap into the worldwide e-commerce revolution. Anyone of legal age in his or her country can become an SFI affiliate for free by filling out an online registration form. There is no obligation or purchase requirements of any kind.

Once registered, affiliates are provided with professional Websites for marketing SFI's products on the Internet. SFI also provides all necessary sale support services, such as customer service, payment processing, and product shipment – all at no cost to the affiliate. For each sale generated, SFI pays the referring affiliate a commission. Additional commissions can be earned by building and leading affiliate groups. 

Stability & Longevity

The mark of a successful company can be seen in its track record. SFI is now in its 18th year, with millions of dollars in annual sales and millions paid in commissions to thousands of affiliates around the world. SFI's parent company, Carson Services, Inc., is now in its 29th year of business and is registered with Dun and Bradstreet. SFI affiliates operate with the peace of mind brought about by associating with a proven, debt-free organization with a long, successful history.

Company Leadership

SFI Founder, Gery Carson
SFI Founder
Gery Carson
SFI President and CEO, and founder of SFI, is Gery Carson. From 1985 to 1998, Gery was a top marketer and record-breaking distributor for several direct sales companies and a successful business magazine publisher. Known for his innovation, Gery has been a pioneering force in the direct mail and Internet marketing industries for more than two decades. His extraordinary achievements as an entrepreneur have been spotlighted in "Money Maker's Monthly," "Upline," "Opportunity World Magazine," and in numerous books and videos. National recognition has also included being named to 1992's Outstanding Young Men of America list and 1997's Who's Who in the Media and Communications. In 1998, Gery set out to "put a dent in the universe" by creating SFI, a ground-breaking program that would utilize the Internet to empower and enrich the lives of millions of people around the world. Today, with 16,900 new affiliates joining in the last week alone, SFI is one of the fastest growing companies of its kind in the world and is well on its way to achieving Gery's vision.

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Top 10 New Year's Eve Destinations


New Year's Eve in Sydney


A breathtaking light parade in Sydney Harbour? Check. Spectacular fireworks? Check. More than a million people gathered to be among the first to usher in the New Year? Double check. For an unforgettable front row seat to the fireworks, grab tickets for one of the city's best events with a view — we suggest the Royal Botanic Gardens or the La Bohème gala at the Opera House.


The Sydney Cove Oyster Bar: Enjoy a special six-course degustation menu that always sells out early amid unparalleled harbor-front views of the Sydney Bridge.

Aria: Delight in drinks and a four-course tasting menu with matching wines — all with stunning harbor and fireworks views.

LuMi Bar & Dining: The restaurant will be serving a five-course degustation menu with wine and beer pairings. Located close to the water near Pyrmont Bay Park, LuMi is a great place to view the fireworks barges before the midnight show.


Glenferrie Lodge: This 19th-century guesthouse charms visitors with its lush garden and excellent views of Sydney Harbour. Best of all, you don't have to leave your cat or dog behind this holiday — the hotel is pet-friendly!

Cremorne Point Manor: This boutique hotel is intimate and cozy with just 29 bedrooms, and overlooks the Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens and Harbour Bridge.

Park Hyatt Sydney: A private boardwalk right on the harbor and an unforgettable rooftop cocktail party with an endless flow of Veuve Clicquot.

Get the latest information at the Sydney New Year's Eve official website

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Saturday, December 19, 2015


Cape Town – President Jacob Zuma has chosen to reflect on the silver lining in South Africa’s dark economic cloud for his end-of-year message.
Zuma said much progress had been made in addressing the objectives of the nine-point plan he introduced at his 2015 State of the Nation Address.
Zuma’s statement follows a turbulent two weeks in the history of the South African economy after he fired the respected finance minister Nhlanhla Nene and replaced him with the relatively unknown ANC MP David van Rooyen.

The rand hit a record low of 16.00 to the dollar before its recent recovery to around R15.00 against the greenback after Zuma did a U-turn to reappoint the more experienced Pravin Gordhan.

Zuma said the country’s automotive sector had grown thanks to the work of the Department of Trade and Industry’s Automotive Production and Development Programme.
"The APDP has leveraged private-sector investment of over R25.7bn over the last 5 years," he said in his end of the year statement of almost 5 000 words.
Zuma also singled out companies who had "affirmed South Africa as a regional manufacturing hub and have retained and expanded their investments in new plants".
"Unilever has invested R4bn in South Africa in new plants and expansions across the country," he said. He also mentioning multinationals Nestle, Samsung, and Hisense.
He said South Africa was also becoming a frontier for new sectors of Foreign Direct Investment, such as the green economy, oil and gas, shipbuilding and the ocean economy.
"Our Renewable Energy Independent Power Producer Programme has become world renown and a policy blueprint for other countries and has attracted R190bn in investment in the four rounds of bids," he said.
Zuma said the clothing and textiles sector was successfully stabilised, was steadily regaining domestic market share and was beginning to grow exports.
The steel industry came under a lot of pressure in 2015, Zuma said, adding that the government intervened to save the industry under global steel glut conditions.
He said the jobs fund established in 2012 had, to date, created 60 675 new permanent jobs and had additionally placed 30 358 people in vacant positions on a permanent basis.

Rama: 90% e shqiptarëve nuk besojnë në drejtësi

Në një pritje të diplomatëve për festat e fundvitit, kryeministri Edi Rama u shpreh se Shqipëria po punon pa reshtur për paqen kolektive dhe se është një faktor paqeje dhe stabiliteti në rajon.
Rama pohoi ndër të tjera se drejtësia në vend është e korruptuar dhe se, "në Shqipëri s'ka drejtësi, pasi korrupsioni përcakton vendimet e drejtësisë":

"Jemi të vetëdijshëm se pa çuar tërmetin nën këmbët e drejtësisë s'do mund të hedhim themelet e shtetit demokratik që dita ditës po përpiqemi të ndërtojmë”, tha Rama.

Kryeministri nuk la pa nënvizuar edhe synimin e qeverisë së tij për shtetndërtimin e Shqipërisë para se të aderojë në familjen e përbashkët europiane.  Në këtë drejtim ai e vuri theksin tek nevoja për ndryshimin e sistemit të drejtësisë, si një nga themelet kryesore të çdo shteti.

"90% e shqiptarëve besojnë se në Shqipëri nuk ka drejtësi. Mbi 80 % janë ata që pohojnë me plot gojën se sistemi i drejtësisë është i korruptuar, ndërkohë që këtu në sallë jemi 100% dakord që në Shqipëri as drejtësi nuk ka dhe nga ana tjetër, korrupsioni përcakton vendimet e drejtësisë.

Prandaj jam dhe besoj jemi të gjithë të vetëdijshëm, se pa i çuar rrathët e tërmetit të reformave nën këmbët e sistemit të drejtësisë, nuk do të garantojmë dot, themelet e ngrehinës moderne të shtetit demokratik që po përpiqemi dita-ditës të ndërtojmë, të cilat pa këtë reformë do të mbeteshin kështjella rëre që dallga e parë e rrëmbyer, i kthen në hiç", u shpreh Rama.

Kryeministri, në fjalën e tij tha se, vendi ynë nuk përkulet nga referencat dhe përkatësitë evropiane. Rama vlerësoi si një tjetër faktor të rëndësishëm interesin e shprehur në vitet e fundit nga Kina në Ballkan.

"Kina e mundësive, na hapi derën e bashkëpunimit për shumë projekte", tha kryeministri duke theksuar edhe kontributin e saj në luftën kundër terrorizmit.