(Misionar në udhën e Dijes)
Thursday, September 20, 2018
How to trade Triangle
pattern Triangle forming during market consolidation inside a trend and
can either indicate the end of the trend or that the trend will
So, you might already know that there are 3 types of triangle in Forex - descending, ascending and symmetrical, I trade all of them the same way, I always place 2 orders - Stop Buy and Stop Sell.
That is all for now, if you have any questions, please leave comments I'll try to respond ASAP.
So, you might already know that there are 3 types of triangle in Forex - descending, ascending and symmetrical, I trade all of them the same way, I always place 2 orders - Stop Buy and Stop Sell.
can use triangle system on almost all popular pairs. I usually use
EUR/USD, but if I see a triangle forming on any other pair I would trade
it too.
can look for triangles on any chart but usually I trade minimum 15M
chart and maximum 1H chart, triangles are usually more visible on bigger
Here are the System Rules:
1. Identify main trend.
Example here is - downtrend.
2. Wait for market forming 2 tops and 1 bottom or 2 bottoms and 1 top, draw the trend lines.
here, bottom 1 inside the trend touches the trend line; top 1 did not
reach opposite trend line, bottom 2 formed, so I draw the trend line
through the bottoms 1 and 2 and I draw another parallel line through the
top 1.
3. Wait for the next top or bottom, draw another trend line. Identify, if the pattern looks like a triangle.
Example here, top 2 formed, so I draw another trend line; it looks like a triangle now.
There are always should be 2 tops and 2 bottoms touching triangle
borders. Next, wait for formation of top or bottom number 3. After that,
usually, market would start to brake through triangle lines. If not it
would start braking through during formation of 4th top/bottom. These
are in my opinion the strongest triangles compare to those which will
start to create 5th or 6th top/bottom
5. Placing the orders:
depends on situation there could be different rules, but usually, I
would place Buy stop/ Sell stop 10 pips higher/lower previous top/bottom
if the next top/bottom expected to brake. Profit target would be
parallel lines of triangle borders, or around main trend lines; usually,
I take some profit around 10-20 pips and either move stop loss until
market reaches the target or use trailing stop. Stop losses I place at
the opposite prices of buy/sell orders (for example - Buy order would be
also stop loss for Sell order and the other way around).
here - I was waiting for formation of bottom 3, but because bottom 1-2
were around the same level I could already place the order Sell stop
from the bottom line of the triangle. After bottom 3 was created and
market moved a bit up I placed the order Buy stop, it would have been 10
pips above top 2, but here is difference, because the triangle is so
small I had no room so I placed the order 10 pips above little channel
which formed slightly below top 2.
Important moments:
1. Careful during major News events:
а. market can start braking around top/bottom 2, in this case I would not continue with triangle system;
б. market can move one direction take us in trade and than change direction without reaching the target.
usually if in trade before the news, better to close some positions and
move stop in safe place, and try to do the same after news event if you
did not open a position before it; if in doubt avoid trading.
here - perfect triangle during news event, market moved down, I closed
some positions and then strong movement up I closed again some
positions, it did not reach the top blue line (my target), so I closed
the rest positions around green line - resistant level of triangle from
top 1.
Market can move outside triangle around it very top where two lines
crossing each other and move slowly forming a channel, this usually can
happen on 15M chart and during Asian session, or at the closing of the
week or at the opening of a new trading week. If that is happening I try
to correct lines and see if there is still triangle, if not, I would
cancel the system.
Pennant is also a triangle, which I trade mostly the same way, except
usually pennants are very small and there are no strong tops and bottoms
in them, so I would look for a channel inside the pennant and place the
orders as usual. Also pennant similar to a flag, so usually it forms
after very strong and sharp movement, so the profit target could be the
length of that previous movement.
Usually pennant is a strong signal for trend to continue, like on the example below,
never be sure 100% in anything in Forex, after pennant, market can also
turn around, like in the example below, this is why I mostly all the
time place 2 orders.
Some other examples of triangles:
Saturday, June 3, 2017
Miti dhe trashёgimia e JFK - 100 vjetori i lindjes sё JF Kennedy,
SHBA kujton njё ndёr presidentёt, tё cilin ende shumё
vetë e adhurojnё, ndonёse ai ishte vetёm njёmijё ditё nё post, nga
janari 1961 deri nё ditёn e vrasjes nё nёntor 1963: John F. Kennedy.
Presidenti i 35-tё i SHBA-sё lindi para 100 vjetёsh mё 29.05.1917.
Historianёt i vlerёsojnё arritjet e tij nё politikёn e brendёshme dhe tё
jashtme si tё nivelit mesatar. Imazhi i tij si njё kre shteti i ri dhe
dinamik vazhdon megjithatё tё jetё i pandryshueshёm. Jo vetёm nё
kryeqytetin Uashington, edhe nё vendlindjen e tij Boston pёrmes njё sёrё
veprimtarish dhe ekspozitash kujtohet i famshmi JFK.Kontrast me Trumpin
Ndoshta ёshtё kontrasti me presidentin aktual tё SHBA-sё Donald Trump arsyeja, pёrse tё paktёn Amerika liberale e kujton me kёnaqёsi Kennedyn. Nё memorjen kolektive tё shtetasve tё SHBA-sё, Kennedy ka mbetur presidenti i ri e i pashёm, qё e katapultoi vendin e tij tё viteve pesёdhjetё drejt modernes. Njё frymё euforie si nёn Kennedyn nё fillim tё viteve gjashtёdhjetё ka pasur rrallё nё SHBA. 43 vjeҁari Kennedy rrezatonte shkёlqim intelektual e njёkohёsisht idealizёm, optimizёm dhe shpresё. Njё fjali nga fjalimi i tij i inagurimit si president nё janar 1961 edhe sot e kёsaj dite i skalitur nё gur lexohet nё shumё godina dhe ura, qё mbajnё emrin e Kennedyt: "Mos pyesni ҁ'mund tё bёjё vendi pёr ju, por pyesni ҁ'mund tё bёni ju pёr vendin!".
Trashёgimia e Peace Corps
Njё trashёgimi qё ka mbetur edhe sot e Kennedyt ёshtё Peace Corps. Qё prej themelimit nё vitin 1961, 200.000 tё rinj amerikanё kanё kontribuuar vullnetarisht pёr ndihmёn e zhvillimit kryesisht nё vendet e Jugut tё varfёr. Kennedy tёrhoqi kokat mё tё mira dhe mё tё menҁura tё Amerikёs nё qeverinё e tij. Asokohё gjithҁka dukej e mundur. Pak pas marrjes sё postit, Kennedy deklaroi me ambicie: "Ky komb i ka vёnё qёllim vetes, qё deri nё fund tё dekadёs tё dёrgojё njё njeri nё Hёnё dhe ta kthejё atё tё sigurtё nё Tokё."
Vizionet e Kennedyt dhe vendosmёria e tij kanё efekt joshёsh. Njё citat i tij pёr pёrjetёsinё: "Ne kemi vendosur tё fluturojmё nё Hёnё dhe tё arrijmё edhe gjёra tё tjera - jo sepse kjo ёshtё lehtё, por sepse kjo do tё jetё e vёshtirё."
Pёrballja me sfida tё vёshtira
Edhe nё politikёn e jashtme Kennedy nё njёmijё ditё nё post u pёrball me sfida tё vёshtira. Kur nё verёn e vitit 1961 muri i Berlinit ndante Gjermaninё Lindore nga ajo Perёndimore, lufta e ftohtё kёrcёnonte tё pёrshkallёzohej. Shumё berlinezë perёndimorё kishin frikё qё Perёndimi do tё lihej nё baltё. Kennedy vizitoi qytetin e ndaoё dhe u siguroi berlinezo-perёndimorёve mbёshtetjen e Amerikёs: "Nё botёn e lirё nuk ka sot njё shprehje mё krenare, se sa: Ich bin ein Berliner!"
Mesazhe paqёsore me pasoja fatale
Njё vit para kёsaj gjatё krizёs sё Kubёs dy superfuqitё Rusia dhe SHBA-ja ndodheshin nё prag tё njё lufte bёrthamore. Kur Bashkimi Sovjetik i tёrhoqi raketat bёrthamore nga Kuba, Kennedy krjoi njё linjё speciale telefonike krize me Moskёn: "Telefoni i kuq" ekziston edhe sot. Kennedy paralajmёronte prej marrёzisё sё garёs sё armatimit atomik:
"Ne tё gjithё jetojmё nё kёtё planet tё vogёl. Ne tё gjithё thithim tё njёjtin ajёr. Pёr ne tё gjithё ёshtё e rёndёsishme e ardhmja e fёmijёve tanё. Dhe ne tё gjithё jemi tё vdekshёm."
Pak muaj mё vonё, mё 22 nёntor 1963, Kennedyn e vranё nё Dallas tё Teksasit në makinën e hapur. Ende edhe sot e kësaj dite qarkullojnё teori komploti. lidhur me atë se kush qëndron pas atentatit. Ato e kthyen JFK nё njё mit.
Kujtim me nostalgji
Nё listёn e presidentёve mё tё mirё tё SHBA-sё, historianёt e SHBA-sё e rendisin Kennedy nё vendin e dhjetё. Sespse ai nisi luftёn e Vietnamit dhe tё tjera nisma qё ai i inicioi i ҁoi deri nё fund pasardhёsi i tij Lyndon B. Johnson, p.sh. mё shumё tё drejta pёr afro-amerikanёt. Sidoqoftё nё 100 vjetorin e lindjes sё Kennedyt shumё amerikanё nё SHBA e kujtojnё me nostalgji kohёn, nё tё cilёn vendi ishte mё pak i pёrҁarё dhe dukej mё pak cinik se sot.
Monday, November 7, 2016
Ali Express
AliExpress.com Product - High Quality
Waterproof 17 Inch Laptop Backpack Men Women Computer Notebook Bag 17.3
Inch 15.6 Laptop Bag
AliExpress.com Product - High Quality Waterproof 17 Inch Laptop Backpack Men Women Computer Notebook Bag 17.3 Inch 15.6 Laptop Bag
Wednesday, June 8, 2016
About Religion,
Religion and Philosophy are words of repute that man resorts to for answers on God and life. Their authenticity is never questioned nor their real meaning understood. Man takes it for granted that they provide answers for what they stand for. But a gentle glance would suggest that answers have not been found as yet because men, more than anything else, are still angry with each other and with themselves too. Religion makes man believe he is a saint while philosophy fills him with pride. The question he needs to answer is whether religion and philosophy have brought him peace or drafted him into war. The present state of the world would suggest the latter is true.
Every child and adult is given a religion to follow and adhere to so that he or she may lead a happy life - a certain investment to reach heaven. Its importance is emphasized to philosophical proportions. Religion and, thereby, God, if followed to the letter, is believed to ward off evil and protect man from harm. But is he free from hate or anger while he prays or when he is in a place of worship? Is he free of all that is unholy when he does not pray or is not in a place of worship? If God is the creator of the world, who could possibly be creating evil or wrong besides God? It is unthinkable that God would be the creator of good and bad, right and wrong as a reality. It has to be illusory for God is compassionate and loving. So, has religion and philosophy failed to deliver its promises and will it ever succeed? Who can tell?
But what do these words really mean and what is man's understanding of them? To most, religion means subtle or profound knowledge about God and His messages, which are beliefs or a system of faith and worship. The word religion is derived from the Latin word 'religio', meaning obligation or reverence to life under monastic vows. Philosophy, on the other hand, means a love of wisdom. But, on close observation, man is neither godly nor wise, and religion and philosophy have been around for quite some time. Religion and philosophy are both ancient and historical. Man came to know religion first and later, as his mind sophisticated, philosophy appeared. Primitive man was alive and lived without the need of religion or philosophy.
The mind became active within man slowly and steadily and sophisticated to form religion and philosophy. Information about God happened to him and he did not bring it about. Thinking happened to man and he did not make it happen. If he had, he would have made it happen all at once and not progressively, as is the case, and, given the chance, he would see to it that everyone thought the same way, but they do not. If he did make thinking happen, he would have just one religion and philosophy and not many, as is the case.
Nature was religion to primitive man. The lightning in the skies and the thunder that followed was man's knowledge about a power above him. Light and sound were God to primitive man. The moment he looked up into the skies in fear was the moment of birth of God or a power much superior to him in his mind. As vocabulary increased within man's mind and concepts began to form, so did religion and knowledge about God as the almighty.
If religion were real, there could only be one and that would be the first one that appeared within man's mind. Real means that which does not change and is eternal. This means that even the first religion cannot be real. How could it be real for not only has the first religion changed, but there are five more major religions alongside it? This change contradicts the meaning of real. This can only mean that the first religion and the rest that have followed have to be illusory and not real.
Religion is illusory for it exists only in the waking state, but it does not exist during the sleeping state, and man is alive during sleep as much as he is during the waking state. If religion were real, primitive man should have religion without the presence of thoughts. This only means that religion is nothing but thoughts in the mind, as is everything else.
If God has created the world, every religion must be His creation too. If they are, they cannot be separate from Him. The world is energy and nothing can be separate within energy, and so, if they were separate from him or from each other, they would not exist. If God has created the world, He will be energy too because the source of energy has to and will be energy only. In this case, God cannot be a He or a She but just energy, as is every man and woman. If God is energy, it can only mean that anything and everything is a reflection of energy, including man. If energy is God, it can only mean that every speck of this manifestation has to be God, and it is so and cannot be otherwise.
If God were the creator, would not every religion be His creation too, including the first? They certainly would be, and surely He would not create any religion that is wrong. The same applies to philosophy too. The presence of variety in every aspect of life, including religion and philosophy, makes it impossible for man to decide which could be true. This is the intelligence of life that makes anything and everything in life relative and not absolute. It is important to understand that every recognizable thought requires another of its kind for it to exist. Therefore, every religion exists because of the presence of the other. This is why God or life has manifested many religions and philosophies so that a concept of religion and philosophy could exist. They exist in such a manner that man may understand that their existence is illusory and not real. They only appear real.
Religion is temporary because it changes and requires time to exist, where there is none. It exists only as thoughts because it disappears in the sleeping state. These are the hallmarks of an illusion. An illusion does not mean it is absent; it is present, but not in the manner the mind says it is. There are many scriptures related to every religion. When the religion is illusory, will not the scriptures be illusory too? In that case every scripture is no better than the other. Truth cannot be known for the known is always dual, and truth cannot be dual for duality is relative and never absolute. If a certain belief of a religion is not found within the confines of another religious scripture, the belief cannot be concluded to be invalid or false.
Every belief does not have to be found in every religious scripture; there is no point in repeating the same belief in every religion. God is very intelligent for, if beliefs were the same in every religion, then different religions would not exist: diversity is required for religion to exist. If all religions contained the same beliefs, then there would only be one religion. Before the scriptures were written, they existed in the mind as thoughts. This means that truth, no matter how illusory, cannot be just what is written, and that which is not written can also be the truth, for the written once existed as thoughts in the mind. Therefore, man may speak the truth and it cannot be brushed aside as untruth just because it cannot be found within scriptures. All religions put together are one religion.
Duality is the spice of mental life. Diversity is maintained by duality. Diversity makes life not only magnanimous but also projects the illusory as the real. Diversified religion exists so that God may exist. If only one religion existed it would be real and God would not be remembered at all. God would not be remembered because, for God to exist and to be remembered as well, another God would be needed, and the various religions do just that: they provide many Gods. It is fascinating to see that every religion is not content with itself, and it should be if it is real. The constant arguments between religions suggest that every man doubts the religion he belongs to. Knowledge about religion only indicates the capacity of the mind to store information and reproduce it, akin to a computer or a library. A scholar does not signify anything other than this.
Man is born without a religion and he obtains the religion that exists in the family. Religion is, therefore, more familial than real. Life is energy and energy alone. Energy has no religion, yet man has a religion: how real could it be? Words and meanings are an auditory illusion of sound and so every religion is illusory rather than real. Religion has driven man away from God rather than bringing him to God, and this is exactly what it is meant to do so that religion and philosophy may exist. If men were made to realize that only God exists and not man, religion would collapse.
Religion is just knowledge about God in a particular language. Knowledge is dead because it is in the mind as memory. Since the mind is in the past, religion too is in the past. The mind is not in life, which is the timeless 'now', and this means that religion is not in life but in the mind. The mind requires time to exist and science has proved that time does not exist as a physical entity in life. The smallest unit of time measured is 'atto second', which is one billionth of a billionth of a second. Life's occurrences, however, happen in units of time much smaller than an atto second, which is the timeless 'now'. Religion really means to be united with self. It has not really achieved this but, in fact, has created disunity between humans. This is life's intelligence to maintain its illusory nature so that man may understand the real meaning of religion.
Every religious man defends vigorously that his God is the only one. Now, God is not a matter of yours or mine. God is simply God. Scientifically, God is synonymous with energy, light or just intelligence. God is a philosophical word, but very intelligent nevertheless. The world is varied and so are religion, philosophy and even God. Life merely demonstrates that if anything and everything is varied, even God is varied, and this is why God is who He is imagined to be. Therefore, it is inevitable that God will appear differently in some religions and as many in others. Life also demonstrates that God is nobody or nothing, but also anything and everything. This is evident in some religions in which He is revered as being formless, which is true, and in others as having forms made of any kind of matter: food to indicate taste, incenses to indicate smell, bells to indicate sound and fire to indicate light, which are also true.
It is difficult to determine whose God is real and is the first and only one. Every religion defends that their God fits that bill. If any one of the Gods that appeared after the first was real, He would have been the one who would have created the first religion and maintained it until the present day. If the first religion was false, He would have destroyed it, and the reason it cannot be destroyed is because life is energy and energy cannot be destroyed or created. This is proof that God too is energy and anything and everything is merely a reflection of this energy, which appears in the morning and disappears in the night, including religion and philosophy.
The world is a manifestation of God or energy and not a creation. No man could have seen the creation to vouch for it, but surely he can understand that the world is and has be a reflection, since it is energy. Therefore, the world and God included has to be peaceful and harmonious. The mind of man is not peaceful, and this restlessness is an auditory illusion of sound, as only light and sound exists in life and not words and meanings. Man merely makes sounds, which appear as language in the mind. Words and meanings cannot exist in life, as time is absent in life.
Man or messenger of God, who has a mind, will always be restless because of duality, which is the hallmark of the mind, and to wish him peace will only be wishful thinking. A true messenger of God, if at all there is one, is an enlightened being, for he lives and realizes that the mind is illusory, so too every religion and philosophy. An enlightened being is always at peace with himself and the world, without knowing that he is. Peace is his nature for it is the nature of nature, and an enlightened being realizes that man is part and parcel of nature and not separated from it. There would be no need to wish him or her peace, for he is peace itself.
Peace is the nature of the world, and it has to be if it is energy, no matter in what state it is. So there would no point in fearing it or God. Fear, if observed, is non-existent in the timeless 'now'. It is always in the mind and, therefore, has to be illusory as is any word. In fear man can never reach God; he would be rotating in his mind hoping to reach God. Fear has been employed by the religious to bring man to God - how ironical. It is ironical that it is the religious who keep man away from God with a promise of bringing him to God. Only God is and man is merely a reflection of God.
Philosophy came much later than religion. It was the product of a sophisticated mind. It made its appearance once life expressed logic and reasoning. Philosophy is similar to religion in that there are as many philosophies as there are languages, either rudimentary or sophisticated. If wisdom was real, and it needs to be real if it is wisdom, there would be just one system of philosophy and not such divergence as there is found to be.
Many philosophies are needed so that a concept of philosophy may exist. The scenario is the same as with religion. Man would not remember philosophy if there were just one. A contrast provided by a particular philosophy is needed for the existence of another. Hence, philosophy means the love of thinking and not the love of wisdom, as is thought. Every man is a philosopher for thinking happens to him. A true philosopher is he who realises that thinking happens to him and man does not think. He realizes that an action or an experience can exist only in time, and time does not exist in life. He realizes that the mind would be needed to recognize an action or an experience in life, and mind, like time, does not exist in life.
A true philosopher is he who realizes that the world, man and mind are a continuous and spontaneous transformation-process of energy which is uncontrollable and unpredictable. He realizes that life is timeless and thoughtless and a manifestation of light and sound, and the experienced world and the experience itself is a world of thoughts - religion and philosophy included. A truly religious man is he who realizes that everything is an expression of God the almighty - religion and philosophy included.
© Copyright V.S. Shankar 2008
Dr Vijai S. Shankar, an Indian sage, was born in the late 1940's. He has amassed an impressive list of educational, research, medical, writing and teaching credentials in his lifetime. He is most notably known for his teachings on Non-dualism, Advaita Vedanta, and Jnana yoga. These teachings are accessible to the public through his books, CDs and DVDs, his satsangs and on the website of the Academy of Absolute Understanding, which Dr. Shankar founded in 2009. Dr. Shankar's most recent book, Evolution of Mind, published in January 2010, offers man the most penetrating and insightful understanding of mind to date, a mind which for generations, has been conditioned by its beliefs and limited to the world of relativity and fiction.
Friday, December 25, 2015
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and discounted pricing offered for
educational, government, non-profit or charity organizations.
If a referred customer initially
purchases a hosting package with a term of at least one (1) year
and then downgrades their hosting
package to a term of less than one (1) year within one (1) year of
their initial purchase, the applicable
referral fees paid to the Affiliate will be reversed and
deducted from future earnings.
- #
Affiliate Restrictions and Responsibilities:
Affiliates MAY NOT offer cash back, rewards or other incentives to drive traffic/sales via their
affiliate tracking links.
Affiliates MAY NOT use traffic that is generated by pay to click, pay to read, banner exchanges,
click exchanges, CPV advertising, pop-up/under, SPAM, purchased traffic or similar methods.
Affiliates MAY NOT use cookie stuffing techniques that set the tracking cookie without the user
actually clicking on the referral link (for example a 1x1 pixel iframe).
Affiliates MAY NOT bid on or use Bluehost's trademark, trademark +, or misspelled
keywords for the purpose of PPC on Internet search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask etc.).
Affiliates MAY NOT use Bluehost's trademark, trademark +, or misspelled keywords in
their domain names.
Affiliates are responsible for ensuring their tracking code is working properly before sending
traffic to Bluehost's servers. Any modification to the links is the sole responsibility
of the Affiliate. Referral fees may not be paid for tracking errors caused by editing, masking,
redirecting or tampering with affiliate links, as determined in Bluehost's sole
Affiliates MAY NOT use redirected pages and links to send a user to our site. For example, you
may not have a PPC link on a search engine that redirects the user to our site.
Domain forwarding is prohibited -- you may not purchase a domain and set it to forward directly
to our site using your affiliate link.
Affiliates MAY NOT copy Bluehost's website or any portions thereof, including, without
limitation, any of Bluehost's trademarks or other intellectual property, and display them
on their own site or subdomain or use them in any way without Bluehost's prior express
written permission.
Affiliates MAY NOT engage in the
advertisement of business-opportunity sites or use marketing
practices that attract fraudulent or
short-term customers (customers with low retention and renewal
rates) which shall be determined at our
sole discretion.
Affiliates MAY NOT offer cash back, rewards or other incentives to drive traffic/sales via their
affiliate tracking links.
- #
FTC Disclosure Policy:
It is our intent to treat our customers fairly. Accordingly, we require all Bluehost
affiliates to comply fully with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines concerning
advertising and marketing, including without limitation, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Endorsement Guides (See the
FTC Endorsement Guide
for more information.), which require
that material connections between advertisers and endorsers be
disclosed. This means that all affiliate
websites (e.g. directories, review/rating sites, blogs
and other websites) and any email or
collateral that provide an endorsement or assessment of
Bluehost, must prominently disclose the
fact that you may receive compensation for
referring customers to Bluehost.
For more information and suggestions
about how to comply with these guidelines, please click the
"FTC Disclosure" tab under the Terms tab
when logged in to your affiliate account. Please note that
the FTC Disclosure page is only intended
to provide guidance. It does not purport to provide legal
advice and it does not guarantee that
you will be in compliance with FTC regulations if you follow
the suggestions presented. You are
advised to seek and obtain your own legal advice on how these
rules apply to your website or other
promotional activities for which you receive compensation.
At our sole discretion, we reserve the right to withhold referral fees and/or terminate the
affiliate relationship for your failure to comply with Bluehost's FTC disclosure policy
or with any other applicable regulations or guidelines, as determined by Bluehost at our
sole discretion.
It is our intent to treat our customers fairly. Accordingly, we require all Bluehost
affiliates to comply fully with all applicable laws, regulations and guidelines concerning
advertising and marketing, including without limitation, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)
Endorsement Guides (See the
FTC Endorsement Guide
for more information.), which require
that material connections between advertisers and endorsers be
disclosed. This means that all affiliate
websites (e.g. directories, review/rating sites, blogs
and other websites) and any email or
collateral that provide an endorsement or assessment of
Bluehost, must prominently disclose the
fact that you may receive compensation for
referring customers to Bluehost.
- #
Affiliate accounts may be deactivated
at any time without warning or notice at our sole
discretion. Any affiliate who violates
Bluehost's Terms of Service, including without
limitation, these Affiliate Program
Terms, or any applicable law is subject to having their
affiliate account deactivated
immediately, and any and all accrued, but not yet received, referral
fees will be forfeited.
In our sole discretion, any false or misleading advertising or suspected fraudulent activity
associated with your affiliate account will result in immediate deactivation.
Affiliate accounts generating a large number of fraudulent accounts, as determined in our sole
discretion, will be deactivated.
Affiliates may not resell hosting. All referred customers must provide their own payment method
and contact information to be a Qualified Purchase. If Bluehost determines in its sole
discretion that an Affiliate is reselling hosting, the affiliate account will be immediately
If you would like to discontinue your
participation in the Affiliate Program at any time, simply
remove your affiliate links from your
website and no longer promote them. For accounting purposes,
our systems will retain your account and
personal information.
Affiliate accounts may be deactivated
at any time without warning or notice at our sole
discretion. Any affiliate who violates
Bluehost's Terms of Service, including without
limitation, these Affiliate Program
Terms, or any applicable law is subject to having their
affiliate account deactivated
immediately, and any and all accrued, but not yet received, referral
fees will be forfeited.
- #
Bluehost may change any of the terms
and conditions in this Affiliate Agreement, in
whole or in part, at any time at
Bluehost's sole discretion. Unless otherwise provided,
such modifications will take effect when
posted on Bluehost's website and apply to all
referral fees that have not yet accrued.
If we make any significant changes to this Affiliate
Agreement, we will post a notice on this
page for at least thirty (30) days after the changes are
posted and will indicate at the bottom
of this Affiliate Agreement the date of the last revision. In
addition, Bluehost will use reasonable
efforts to provide you with seven (7) days advance
notice of any changes that materially
impact your participation in the Affiliate Program. Unless
otherwise provided, your continued
participation in the Affiliate Program following our posting of
any modification on our website will
constitute your acceptance of all changes. If you do not agree
to any such changes, your sole and
exclusive remedy is to deactivate your account as described
Bluehost may change any of the terms
and conditions in this Affiliate Agreement, in
whole or in part, at any time at
Bluehost's sole discretion. Unless otherwise provided,
such modifications will take effect when
posted on Bluehost's website and apply to all
referral fees that have not yet accrued.
If we make any significant changes to this Affiliate
Agreement, we will post a notice on this
page for at least thirty (30) days after the changes are
posted and will indicate at the bottom
of this Affiliate Agreement the date of the last revision. In
addition, Bluehost will use reasonable
efforts to provide you with seven (7) days advance
notice of any changes that materially
impact your participation in the Affiliate Program. Unless
otherwise provided, your continued
participation in the Affiliate Program following our posting of
any modification on our website will
constitute your acceptance of all changes. If you do not agree
to any such changes, your sole and
exclusive remedy is to deactivate your account as described
Thank You,
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